
It's Official!

I'm now officially selling letterpress items.  I am setting up an Etsy shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/kkozelsky and have a new business Facebook page.  Check out Kozelsky Press and give it a 'Like'!  While you're there, feel free to swing on by KozelskyPhoto and give that a 'Like' as well to keep up to date with my projects.

I sold at my first art show over the weekend at Spin Cycle in association with Waldo Wildcrafts.  I didn't have a great spot, but I think that in general it went pretty well.  I brought the press with me and gave a couple of demonstrations during the afternoon.  I'll definitely be hauling it to any shows I do in the future.  

Here are a couple of shots of my setup:

Family Session | Tallahassee Photography

Here are some frames from a recent family session up in Tallahassee.  We spent a windy hour out on the Miccosukee Greenway and ended up with some nice captures.  Next time we'll do it when the whether is a bit calmer :)



I've been letterpressing like crazy this week to get ready for Spin Cycle's local art show and sale on 12/18.  Here's a sneak peek of some of the things I've been working on:


Holiday Cards!

Here are some templates to choose from if you are hoping to get some photo cards out for the holiday this year.  A nice variety of choices, I think!  If you see something you like, just drop me a note.  All text is customizable, so dates, names, holiday wishes can be altered. :)


Citizens Co-op Produce | Gainesville Food Photography

For Thanksgiving last week, Citizens Co-op set up a special online ordering system so you could get fresh food for the holiday.  I ordered two packs of local tempeh from Jose's tempeh and a bag of produce from Swallowtail Farms.  Both have been excellent so far!  The tempeh was cooked in onion and spices and has a very autumnal taste to it.  The produce came in a wonderful bag.  There were all kinds of goodies in there: turnips, sweet potatoes, salad greens, kale, arugula, fresh rosemary, purple bok choi, and so on.  I used the turnips, sweet potatoes, and some of the rosemary in a lovely roasted root vegetable dish with some beets, onions, and carrots.  I cooked down the greens for a veg version of southern greens, and I'm going to attack those salad greens for lunch today.

Swallowtail does run a CSA, so if you are interested in joining, please check them out at swallowtailcsa.com.  CSA stands for community supported agriculture.  If you join a CSA, you pay a flat fee directly to a farm, and they provide you with a box of a variety of fresh produce every week.  Joining a CSA is a great way to support local foods and farmers, as well as a sure way to always have healthy, fresh produce on hand.

For more information on Citizens Co-op, you can visit their website at citizensco-op.com.



Citizen's Co-op Work Party

Citizen's Co-op had a work party at a community garden on November 6th.  Some freshmen from the UF school of business were also there helping out.  We did some harvesting, some planting, some watering, some building of new beds, and some brick-laying for the walkway.  Here are some shots from the day:


Boulderween @ HP40 | Photography from Gainesville, FL

For Halloween weekend, I spent some time bouldering with the boys in our favorite spot, Horsepens 40 in Alabama.  I have to admit that I was loving the fall colors.  We don't really get that down here in Florida...

This time there was not a major comp happening so the environment was much more relaxed.  There was even a moment when the most famous problem at the site was open: Bumboy!  I think I tried it (and promptly fell off) two or three times.  I'm sure that Bo or Rich could've conquered that one with a little more time.

The phrase of the weekend was "Crush it! Arrrrrr."  Let me tell you, I definitely put the hurtin' on a couple V0s!  Arrrrr. 



Serious Sky

Can we just take a moment to drink in these few shots of some amazing sky?  

It's true that as a born and bred yankee from the snow belt (yes, there's a snow belt!), I'm not Florida's Biggest Fan, but sometimes you just have to hand it to this state for some beautiful skies.  These shots are from Destin and Gainesville. 


Maveric Tube Launch

This is a series of shots from our first successful tube launch from January.  We had another successful transition to flight with a slightly different type of tube launch today.  Woot!  Go team! 


St. George Island | Photography from Gainesville, Florida

Two weeks ago, we went to St. George Island on the Gulf Coast.  Ironically, the only gas station on the island is operated by BP :-/

I think we were both secretly a little nervous about seeing a bit of oil, especially as we saw patches of UID brown stuff on a few of the beaches along the way.  Fortunately, the beaches on the island were beautiful.  Part of the island is a nature preserve, so it was great to see that everything was clean.  

The water was exceptionally warm, especially compared to the previous weekend's beach trip to St. Augustine on the 'first coast' as they like to call it.  The water was about 70 with huge waves (well, north Florida huge).  At St. George, the water must have been at least 85, if not warmer.  It was almost uncomfortably hot.  Anyway, we did see some wildlife: two types of jellyfish, horseshoe crab, your standard tiny beach crabs, porpoises (yay!), a large blue crab, a couple of little yellow-finned barb-like fish that tried to school with us, and all your standard beach birds.

It was a pretty good day, I have to admit :)

Barry, Diana & Todd | Gainesville Portrait Photography

Here are the final edits on the shots for Diana and her family.  Barry is the cutest thing... sure to be a heartbreaker!  Sometimes he was shy or distracted and not too interested in me and the camera, but when he wanted to flash a look in my direction, magic happened!

... and for the record, Diana has beautiful eyes.  I'd love to do a more serious session with her just to capture her eyes :)