
Adam & Michele's Beloved Session

Last month I had the pleasure of having a Beloved session with two friends I don't see often enough - they live in Rochester, NY and I'm only there two or three times a year to see my family.

Beloved is a fairly new genre of photography.  It has caused a pretty big rift in the wedding/engagement photography industry, but I feel that it is right in line with what my goals are as a photographer and I'm wholeheartedly for it.  In a Beloved session, the photographer sets the stage for the couple by giving them verbal cues.  I may ask the couple to play a game or imagine themselves in a particular situation.  Once I give them the cues, they begin to interact with each other and I take on the role of a photojournalist, snapping away in the background.

The thing is that the cues allow the couple to create magic.  What I ask the couple to do is to take time out of their lives to play together, to laugh together, to share memories and future plans, and just remember why they they are together in the first place.  The result is that I document love, laughter, and sometimes tears... but always true, honest emotion.  THAT is beautiful.  Nothing posed, nothing artificial.  Watching a couple interact and seeing the love just pour out of them is absolutely gorgeous.  I love it.  I just love it.  A big thank you to Adam and Michele for being open and holding nothing back - you guys are amazing. :)




We all know that building a business is a hard thing.  My business is still fairly new, and I've just recently had my first couple of setbacks.  I know that they are the first of many and it comes with the territory, but no matter how strong you are, you always feel something when they come.  What makes them better is someone to support you, to believe in you.  For me, that is Bo.  He doesn't usually say much, he tends to have a quiet way when things are rough.  This time he told me that he knows I was born to do this and that I will succeed.  That was all he said, and it was all I needed.

So here's to my Bo.  Thanks for being my rock.


In the Adirondacks with the cutest niece ever!

I had a lovely trip up to Rochester, NY/the Adirondacks a couple weeks ago.  It is so nice to be in Rochester when it's only 75 degrees up there and 100 degrees here in Florida :)  All of the siblings managed to make the trip, including my very tiny and very cute niece.  I'm still getting used to being called 'Aunt Kristin'!  

We only had one or two days in Rochester and then we went up to work on the cottage my parents are building in the Adirondack Mountains for the rest of the week.  I did take a day to go into town to get some work done and to do a short hike.  I love it up there; I'm so glad that my parents are finally able to build the cottage they've always wanted.  It's going to be GORGEOUS when it's done... not to mention the fact that it will be special because of all of the hours that they, friends and relatives, and all of us have put into it.   Pictures of the cottage were taken by my brother :)

My adorable niece!  Those curls were out of control cute :)

My little hike:

"The Shed" - this doubles as a cabin complete with murphy bed, table and chairs, counter, propane camp stove, and wood burning stove

The main cottage

The loft - panelling almost done!  Every board was individually sanded and varnished (twice - by hand) before being mounted.

We got the bathroom and kitchen plumbing functioning this trip!  The first time we could shower, wash dishes, and flush a toilet since the property was purchased a few years ago made for quite an exciting weekend :)

And this is the view from the back porch.  Not bad, right? :)