
The 30-day More Challenging Challenge - BRING IT!!!

Here's the scenario going in:

- me
- a nice old film camera (a la 1965)
- the camera does not have a functioning light meter
- the camera may have a light-leak problem

Here's the scenario as it now stands:

- me
- a nice old film camera (a la 1965)
- the camera does not have a functioning light meter
- the camera may have a light-leak problem
- the more challenging challenge begins with film in the camera that may be black and white OR color, i can't remember (ok, even more challenging than first anticipated)
- the first roll is shot and taken to be developed.  turns out it's blank because it didn't catch right when I first loaded it into the camera (the camera tries to show me who's boss, clearly it is not me)
- the second roll is loaded properly, shot, and dropped off to be developed.  it's color, by the way.  hopefully there are actually exposures on it.
- the third roll is loaded (properly, I hope) and just started.  also color.
- i forgot to buy more film today while i was at the photo lab

The more challenging challenge seems to be increasing in challenging-ness almost daily, but I'm going to fight through it and post some images in the end, damnit!  Watch out world!  And please be patient.


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